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  Frequently Asked Questions  

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Q: What is Music Therapy?

A: “Music Therapy is an established health profession in which music is used within a therapeutic relationship to address physical, emotional, cognitive, and social needs of individuals. After assessing the strengths and needs of each client, the qualified music therapist provides the indicated treatment including creating, singing, moving to, and/or listening to music. Through musical involvement in the therapeutic context, clients’ abilities are strengthened and transferred to other areas of their lives. Music therapy also provides avenues for communication that can be helpful to those who find it difficult to express themselves in words. Research in music therapy supports its effectiveness in many areas such as: overall physical rehabilitation and facilitating movement, increasing people’s motivation to become engaged in their treatment, providing emotional support for clients and their families, and providing an outlet for expression of feelings.” -AMTA



Q: What is Music-Centered Music Therapy?


A: "Music-Centered Music Therapy" is a specific therapy approach in which music is the essential feature in the therapy experience. Here, music is used "as therapy" instead of a complementary feature "in therapy". This style of therapy includes spontaneous, yet purposeful and often improvisational music between the therapist and client(s). Music Therapy pioneers Paul Nordoff & Clive Robbins developed the idea that every person has a sensitivity to music that can be used for personal growth and development. Nordoff & Robbins have helped us understand how we all can respond to a musical experience, can engage in and remember the music, and can find enjoyment through some form of musical expression, communication or sharing.



Q: What is Neurologic Music Therapy?


A: "Neurologic Music Therapy" is a specific therapy approach guided by the evidence that music is processed throughout the entire brain, overlapping with non-musical networks. Purposeful music experiences are developed by the therapist to essentially "rewire" the brain, optimizing and creating new pathways to help develop and regain various non-musical functions. In this style of therapy, music is used to facilitate functional behavior with the ultimate goal being neuro-rehabilitation/habilitation. Therapists may create structured musical exercises or use improvisation to address client goals. Dr. Michael Thaut pioneered NMT, joining forces with neuroscientists and various clinicians and conducting numerous scientific/clinical research experiments in this area of study. He aims to bridge the gap between various disciplines by standardizing terminology and interventions, and collecting research for evidence-based practice. There are currently 20 recognized techniques, ranging from Musical Attention Control Training (used to improve attention skills) to Rhythmic Auditory Stimulation (used to help improve gait) to Melodic Intonation Therapy (used to help those with Aphasia regain the ability to speak).



Q: What are your fees and do you take insurance?


A: Therapy fees depend on the service(s) requested. Services may be covered by private insurance but reimbursement is not guaranteed. You will be provided with an Invoice/Receipt of Services upon payment, and can submit a claim to your insurance company. Mosaic Music Therapy is an NJ Medicaid and DDD authorized provider. We encourage you to contact your case manager for service authorization. You can learn more about our rates and reimbursement by contacting Mosaic Music Therapy directly via phone or email.



Q: What is Neuro-Rehabilitation?


A: Neuro-Rehabilitation is a branch of therapy that helps individuals rehabilitate cognitive (thinking) skills after a brain injury.  The goal of Neuro-Rehabilitation at Mosaic Music Therapy is two-fold: it focuses on developing awareness of one's current abilities & challenges while actively strengthening the challenged areas of functioning during therapy.  The unique nature of integrating Music Therapy into Neuro-Rehabilitation capitalizes on increased activity in the brain when participating in and responding to music.  Many of our cognitive skills are quite active when playing or listening to music.  At Mosaic, musically facilitated cognitive exercises in conjunction with instrumental and vocal music making are used to assist our clients in rehabilitating cognitive functioning.    



Q: Do I need to know how to play an instrument in order to participate in therapy?


A: Prior experience with musical instruments is NOT necessary and will not present any barrier to fully participating in our therapy experience.  This style of music therapy does encourage active involvement in music making with a variety of instruments, including drums (bongos, conga, snare drum), small percussion instruments (maracas, cabasa, tambourines, claves), melodic instruments (guitar, piano, reed horns, resonator bells, chimes), as well as a variety of other unique instruments.



Q: How does therapy typically start?


A: The first step to becoming involved in therapy at Mosaic is to contact us and arrange your free Intake Appointment.  This allows the clinical staff to gather appropriate information from you and assist you in identifying the therapy service that would best fit your particular needs.  Upon completion of the Intake Appointment, sessions can be scheduled on a weekly basis as needed & desired.  



Q: What is the length and frequency of a typical session?


A: Individual Sessions are generally 30-45 minutes in duration.  Group sessions are 45 minutes in duration.  However, each client/group will have a full hour blocked off to allow for a time cushion before or after session. The number of sessions per week depends on your current therapy needs, but clients are typically scheduled for one session each week.



Q: How long will the course of therapy last?


A: The length of time a client is in therapy depends upon the nature of the client's needs and the goals of the therapy. Some clients have a very specific need that can be worked through in a set course of therapy. For others, therapy is an on-going growth and learning process and they choose to receive services for a longer period. A client can choose to terminate services at any time, but must provide 2 weeks notice. If and when all goals are met, or music therapy doesn't seem to be the right fit for an individual, a clinician may suggest a termination of services.  In all cases, clinicians will provide their honest clinical judgment to ensure the best possible course of action.



Attendance & Payment Policy

  • ●  Parents and / or guardians of participants under the age of 12 need to remain present in Mosaic’s waiting area for the duration of each session.

  • ●  Parents and / or guardians of adults who are medically fragile, have seizure precautions, and / or have difficulty with ambulation need to remain present in Mosaic’s waiting area for the duration of each session.

  • ●  Families/participants/schools/agencies must provide at least 24-hour cancellation notice prior to a session unless there is an unforeseen medical or family emergency. Sessions canceled with proper advanced notice are not refunded.  However, the missed session will be rescheduled as a makeup based on availability between client and clinician.  Makeup sessions will not be considered or constitute a credit that can be applied toward payment for future monthly billing. 

  • ●  Makeup sessions must be scheduled within 12 months of the original session date. Makeups extending beyond 12 months will no longer be valid.

  • ●  Makeups are to be scheduled on a clinician’s pre-reserved make-up day & time. Please consult with your clinician regarding specific makeup days available.

  • ●  Short notice or failure to give notice, without a medical excuse or extenuating life circumstance, will result in the exclusion of a makeup session. A refund will not be provided for that session.

  • If a clinician initiates cancellation of a session, that session will qualify for a makeup session, as per Mosaic's makeup policy above.

  • Mosaic provides services for 50 weeks during the calendar year, less specified national holidays.  Mosaic is closed for spring and winter recesses annually.  Dates of recess vary, but closely align with local school recesses.  In addition, Mosaic is closed annually on Martin Luther King's Birthday, Washington's Birthday, Memorial Day, Juneteenth National Independence Day,  4th of July, Labor Day, Columbus Day, Veteran's Day & Thanksgiving day.  Christmas Day & New Year's Day are included as days of closure during our winter recess.  Recesses and above mentioned national holidays are not included in monthly charges and will not merit makeup sessions. 

  • Mosaic Music Therapy & Neuro-Rehabilitation offers a monthly service.  Consequently, payment for Mosaic's services are billed monthly, and is due the first week of each month for that corresponding month of service.

  • Monthly billing for DDD authorized participants is prepared by our clinicians and signed by the participant or authorized representative on file with Public Partnerships, LLC or Easter Seals New Jersey. 

  • Pricing for Mosaic's services are subject to change, as affected by increases in operating costs.  

  • ●  Mosaic encourages active, weekly communication with our clinicians, in-person, via phone or email. Please remain in regular contact with your respective clinician to ensure effective communication is maintained throughout the duration of service. If the need or desire arises for a conference to discuss a participant's progress outside of service time, please reach out to your respective clinician, or to Mosaic’s Clinical & Executive Director, Jonathan Scheick.  

  • As we continue to strive to provide the best possible care for our participants and families, we greatly appreciate your willingness to agree to these terms.

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Music Therapy
Music-Centered Music Therapy
Neurologic Music Therapy
Pricing & Insurance
Musical Background
Commencing Services
Session Length/Frequency
Course of Therapy / Attendance Policy
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